Thursday, December 10, 2009

Raising the Barre on Your Attitude

Read my most recent article in DANCER Magazine:

Raising the Barre On Your Attitude!
Written by your truly in the November issue.

There is a lively discussion about how Instructors can read your mind, how to 'read' yourself better in the studio and two exercises for you to directly witness how the body does not lie.

Check it out - HERE!

Happy Nutcrackering!
Sanna Carapellotti, MS CHt

PS - You do not want to miss next months issue where I interview three dancers about how they discipline themselves through the holidays. I was impressed by their strength! By the way, I am always looking for dancers to interview. If you are interested, let me know and I will consider you for future articles, or events.

1 comment:

Tom said...

Just wondering, but would it be better to have an article about how to discipline through the holidays, before the holidays?