Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Goals for this year -

What do you really want out of this NEW year? 

Get clear with WHAT YOU REALLY WANT.

Send me some of your thoughts.

Sanna Carapellotti, MS CHt
Performance Coach and Hypnotherapist

PS - "Janie" is off with family and vacationing. She will return here very shortly.

PPSS - If you don't know then you are left to be 'hijacked' by others ....


Sara said...

what i really want out of the new year is not to take for granted the opportunity to still be able to perform and dance. You can demand what you REALLY want, but will that really make you happy? Being happy is pushing yourself to improve everyday. Set yourself goals and don't forget to step back and enjoy what you are doing.

Anonymous said...

I want to be brave enough to reveal my soul to an audience and be seen as an artist as well as a brilliant technician.


Anonymous said...

I want to be nicer to myself. I speak so mean to myself when I make a mistake.