Thursday, October 18, 2007

Dear Janie -- Day 4. It can be a small thing.

This is Day 4.

You may realize that your entry into this 5 Day CHallenge began on Monday with an
idea of 'becoming' or acting as if, you are someone (in dance) you admire. You are to dance and behave as if you are this dancer. The instructions are listed on last Sunday's blog.

Your posts this week indicate that you have added other simple and creative techniques in your training that have inspired you to dance better, to be freer to dance in the way that you want to and can dance.

So your experience tells you that one small movement can open many other doors.

Comments from others reveal a similar effect.

Sanna Carapellotti, MS, CCHT
Performance Specialist

P.S. The name 'Janie' was selected by this pre-professional
ballet dancer because of her admiration for Janie Taylor of NYCB.
We decided that she would be anonymous
because we all know that dance training is not always pretty. This is
her place to speak as frank and candidly as she
can. You might know her. She dances everyday. Ballet is her life.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes I am so mean to myself in my head. I am working to stop doing that now. I did not even realize I was doing it.

Anonymous said...

ok so doing the bit about feeling like you're dancing like that dancer worked a little better! I think too much sometimes! I like this idea, it's helping!


Anonymous said...

I smiled too today and I felt so much happier in class even though I was hurting.