Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Dear Sanna - conferences are tomorrow!

Gotta love the ballet world's idea of "advance notice." 24 whole hours. Anyway I just found out the conferences are tomorrow! I'm interested to hear what they have to say...

Today was a loooong day! I was a little frustrated, mostly with myself because I have a few aches and pains that make already-hard-things a little harder, and I think I might have given this morning's teacher the idea that I have a bad attitude. She's not "important," in terms of affecting whether or not I get a job, but I hate for anyone to think that. I think I just have trouble with her because she tells me things like I need a 6:00 penchée ("It's not a trick anymore. It's a requirement") as if I wasn't trying to be in a perfect split. I know these things, but just because she tells me to do it doesn't mean I suddenly can. Rome wasn't built in a day. I nodded, but I guess she could tell I wasn't thrilled because she said "Don't take it the wrong way," later on. I tried to play cheerful after that, but I was just in a bad mood and not dancing well. Oh well it's not the end of the world - I will just have to work extra hard in her class, and what harm could come from that?

Anyway time to take care of my body. Goodnight!


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