Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Dear Sanna - Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! As silly as it is, sometimes it takes a new year to motivate me to make some changes. (Maybe hitting bottom after that last holiday cookie and a shocking number on my scale helped too...) Anyway, I am proud to say I have been fairly healthy so far for 2008. I really feel better about myself when I am careful about what I put in my body. I also made a new year's resolution to stop making excuses. I have been taking as many extra classes as possible, and trying to approach class with a new, refreshed outlook.

I am a little frustrated with the ever-lacking communication between dancers and teachers here. I don't feel it is responsible to assume I will have a place here next year, however I also feel unsure about going all out with auditions, taking photos, practicing variations, and missing class for road trips to the nearest audition sight without... permission (for lack of a better word) or encouragement to do so. I know that's ridiculous because it is my future, after all, but people in the ballet world are touchy, and the last thing I need is to anger the likeliest people to offer me a job at this point. We shall see - as of now, evaluations are apparently in late January. But I WILL NOT wait longer... and maybe I'll do a little private audition preparations in the meantime.

That's all for now! Does anyone else have any good resolutions or audition advice to share?


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